How to write a job description to attract great hires

Clear and concise job description

Job Title – No buzzwords but a neat title which depicts the true nature of the job.
Summary – This must give a clear idea to the prospect of what your business does and how it is different and special from others in the same business field.
Role description – This is the most important part. It would help if you weighed how broad or how specific you want the job responsibilities to sound. If it is too broad, then many might apply, and you might have to deal with a lot of unwanted resumes. If it is too narrow, then you might miss out on some excellent job seekers. As per a survey, males might apply for a job if they meet even 60% of the criteria, but women are looking for a 100% fit with the job they are applying for. So a “must-have” description along with a “nice to have” description will help prospects decide if they suit that kind of role or not.
Benefits – This section should include all the necessary things like remunerations, job location, means of commute (whether you offer company cars or buses), Healthcare, 401K (retirement plan). Along with these some unique things that your company has to offer like child care support, flexible hours, work from home, etc.
Call to action – By providing a link to the application, you can make it very convenient for people to apply. That would garner more applicants as well.

Posted by: Gretis 28th Oct, 2022